Board member of TanTrade and Economic Diplomat

Dorice Mgetta


A smart and brave soul who was able to withstand cyber bullying and still own her story which led in making an impact to young girls and women in the #DigitalSpace, she is Dorice Mgetta SOS Diplomat, an economic diplomat, Executive director of Serve Tanzania and board member of Tan Trade Tanzania.

Dorice Mgetta shares with us that her super power online is her ability to share educative content, influence and change the perspectives of people when it comes to speaking about the economic potential that is available in Tanzania.

Value added in the Digital Space

Dorice has added value with her online presence by advocating to young girls that their voice maters online, “I am an example for I represent all the young girls who are hungry for change and willing to make an impact in their community.” Having an intellectual ability to capacitate and analyse content has made her interact and network with leaders as well as leave room for her to learn, make mistakes and be better.

The Impact the Digital Space has made

One of the things Dorice Mgetta has embraced is being vocal about women’s rights, women in leadership and Online Gnedner Based Violence. She says “I had fear for the unknown but now the space has shown me that my contents can be put out there and I can get support from my sisters in the space and new people that I meet online, I am yet to see more opportunities that come with this journey.”

Challenges encountered Online

Dorice is shares that, “I remember being bullied online once on Milard Ayo’s Instagram page after a post he shared about a youth who led the party votes in the 2020 General elections, I became shy and intimidated to share anything online because of the nasty and rude things people wrote. I still struggle to participate online and engage because I am re-living the day I read those BAD comments, however am a risk taker and with time I think handling such situations will be much easier compared to my first time.

I think since am new my content has less engagement but I try to be consistent and see how I can engage in other people’s post and at the end have an online platform to showcase my potentials.

About the Mentorship Program

Dorice shares the reason to join the program, “I have not given up in increasing my online presence and I am in this program to actually learn how I can be a better user and still create positive impact in the process.”

Dorice hopes to better her digital skills in other development programs and inspire young girls who aspire to be leaders while keeping the sisterhood she formed during the Mentorship program strong.

For further details visit our website , follow us across all  social media platforms using these hashtags #SOSDiplomats and #UstawiSalamaMtandaoni