A Comprehensive Analysis: Uncovering Journalistic Perspectives on Online Gender-based Violence (OGBV) Tanzania Context

The intersection of technology and media has birthed new challenges, among Technology Facilitated Violence especially, Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV). Tech & Tech & Media Convergency’s Women at Web Program has released its annual OGBV report titled “A Comprehensive Analysis – Uncovering Journalistic Perspective on Online Gender-based Violence”; delving into the role of journalists and media in addressing this pressing issue. The digital realm has revolutionized the way information is disseminated and consumed, but it has also given rise to new challenges, chief among them being Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV).

Central to the Women at Web Program’s mission is the empowerment of journalists through capacity-building mentorship programs. These programs, established through strategic partnerships with DW Akademie and Internews’ Boresha Habari program, have equipped media professionals with the necessary skills and resources to navigate the complexities of reporting on OGBV effectively.

The OGBV Annual Reports

Once again, we’re unveiling our annual report, delving into the multifaceted realm of Online Gender-based Violence (OGBV). In 2021, our focus honed in on the alarming trend of “An Overview of Online Gender-based Violence on Women in Politics.” This report served as a strategic response to the urgent need for policymakers to grasp the severity of the issue, fostering crucial discussions and catalyzing the development of targeted policies. The following year, our lens widened to encompass the broader landscape of OGBV in Tanzania, as depicted in our report titled “The State of Online Gender-based Violence in Tanzania – Drawing from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.” Now, building upon the foundation laid in previous years, we pivot our attention to OGBV through the discerning eyes of journalists. The year 2023 marks a pivotal moment as we collaborate with journalists to delve deeper into this sensitive topic, unraveling its complexities and shedding light on its impact within media ecosystems.

Elevating Journalistic Perspectives
The significance of the annual OGBV report is underlined by the active engagement of senior executives within the media industry. Their participation in discussions surrounding OGBV signals a collective commitment to addressing this pervasive issue and driving meaningful change within media ecosystems. Drawing from the experiences of 124 journalists, the report offers a comprehensive analysis of OGBV across mainstream and digital media platforms. It examines how media narratives shape public discourse, influence policy formulation, and perpetuate or challenge societal perceptions of gender-based violence.

In her note, the CEO of Tech & Tech & Media Convergency emphasizes the organization’s dedication to advancing gender equality and combating OGBV through journalistic lenses. By shining a spotlight on OGBV within the media, the report aims to amplify marginalized voices and catalyze systemic change within the industry.

Findings of the report
Among the report’s key findings is the variation in proficiency levels among journalists in utilizing digital devices for journalistic purposes. While 57% rate themselves as “efficient,” 14% consider their proficiency to be at a “basic” level, indicating a need for ongoing training and support in enhancing digital literacy within the profession.

Moreover, the report highlights a mixed understanding of OGBV among respondents, with 70% indicating understanding, 15% responding with “No” and an equal percentage expressing uncertainty with “not sure.” This underscores the urgency of awareness-building initiatives to foster a more informed and vigilant journalistic community capable of effectively addressing OGBV.


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too must our strategies for combating OGBV. The Women at Web Program’s annual report serves as a call to action, urging stakeholders to prioritize the fight against online gender-based violence. By amplifying voices, fostering awareness, and empowering journalists, we can create safer, more inclusive digital spaces for all. Through collaboration and collective action, we can build a media landscape that upholds the principles of equity, integrity, and gender equality, paving the way for a more just and inclusive society.

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